Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Parental Discipline Failure

So I've failed at my first real test of bad behavior. My excuse is that it was just so funny. I had taken a box of crayons out to show zack for the first time how to draw and color. We spent some time playing with the crayons, holding them, tasting them, placing them in different places before we really understood how they could mark on the large pad of paper I had. Well, he only drew a very small amount on the paper, i think because it was on the ground and not as easy to draw on as something that was vertical, like, umm...the wall for example. Zack walked over to the wall with a crayon and quickly marked the wall before I could stop him. I then said"no" because he shouldn't do that, but I was happy to see that he finally knew what a crayon could do. Except, he then giggled at the attention and went back to trying to mark the wall and saying "no". I again said "no", watched him giggle and I started laughing. I couldn't keep a straight face. He would walk to the hutch and try the same thing, and I would say no and start laughing because his reaction was so funny. I knew I was failing miserably but I couldn't stop laughing. Jen finally arrived to put an end to Zack's behavior because I was completely ineffective. And now, Zack thinks "no" is a game that gets him physical attention.
I've got more parenting work to do..... :-)

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