Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Zoe losing her morning nap

As further proof that the twins really are different from each other, Zoe has dropped her morning nap before she's turned 1. She also wakes up before Zadie. So it just seems like she doesn't need as much sleep as Zadie. Zadie was the fussy one when trying to go to sleep swaddled as a newborn, but ironically, she's done very well with her naps. So our stretch of keeping the twins on the same schedule has finally broken. We will try and get Zadie to lose her morning nap within 4 weeks to realign them and get them ready for daycare. But in the meantime, it's gonna be hard with the girls being on different sleep schedules from 10am to 3pm. Zadie naps at 10am and 1:30pm, and Zoe naps at noon.

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