Thursday, January 20, 2005

1 Year Update

Well, with some delay for posting, here are the latest stats:
Weight: 70th percentile
Height: 90th
Head size: 97th percentile
So he's still on the large size, but doing well. The headsize didn't surprise me, as we've actually had to cut a slit in a shirt collar so it could fit over his head.

Zack had his first birthday party, and we all got to see how he reacts on his first sugar high. A few bites of cake and 10 minutes later, there was no way we could keep him in the high chair. He seems to handle meeting lots of people at one time fairly well though.

He's really doing a lot of very cool things now. He is clapping both when you clap with him, and he will now do it when you say "clap". We've lost the morning nap now and now he sleeps from 11:30-1:30. I didn't initally realize how rough this is for me, since I've only got 1-2 hours during the day to do other things while he is napping. Maybe I need to teach him how to play solitaire.

Which reminds me, I've learned that when the baby is on his own and suddenly quiet, that is bad. Something is up. He is not, as I imaged, quitely reading a book in his room. He has in fact found one of his ointment tubes and is squeezing it out across the floor.

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