Monday, July 26, 2004

Super Thursday

So only 2 days after his 6 month checkup, we had a few breakthroughs. On Thursday, Zack  developed a new laugh, and starting babbling incessantly, and really slept through the night (12 hours) for the first time.

We introduced toys into the bath for the first time on Thursday. Since he has out grown his old sink-mountable tub, we've had to move to a larger tub that fits in the real tub. But this leaves plenty of room for splashing and playing. Jen bought four squirt toys and the first time she squirted him in the chest with one, he looked surprised, looked at us for a reaction, and then broke into a solid giggle and chortle. We kept squirting him and he kept giving that new hearty laugh as if someone told him a funny joke and he couldn't stop laughing. We couldn't stop either. Also, the look on his face when he splashed the water hard enough that he got his own face wet was priceless.

Zack is now moving away from his grunts and coos, and is now babbling and trying to articulate so much more with his mouth. We already have "da-da" sounds and other sounds that can't be typed so easily. His vocal range has also expanded and you can watch his toungue hard at work trying all sorts of positions as he babbles.

It must be the solid food introduction, because only a few days after he started with it, on Thursday he slept through the night, and I mean really slept through the night, from 7pm to 7am. We thought that 6 hours was the best we were going to get for sleep duration, but I guess that change in food caused him not to need to get up for that midnight feeding anymore. We are now at 4 nights in a row for 12 hours. It's all a tradeoff though, solid foods mean more sleep but more stinky diapers...

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